Millumin Help

Control Millumin with TouchOSC (for V1)

  For Millumin V1 only

TouchOSC runs on your iPhone/iPad/Android, and allows you to control Millumin from there. So no need to be in the front of your computer !
Please watch this video tutorial.

In this tutorial, an old iPhone is used, but it is working with an newer iOS devices or Android.

  1. First, be sure your computer and your iPhone are on the same Wifi network.
    If you don't have one around you, create it from your computer.

  2. Install TouchOSC on your iPhone.

  3. Download TouchMillumin templates : this is a special layout for TouchOSC.

  4. Copy this layout on your iPhone : the easiest way is to use iTunes.

  5. Then, choose this layout in TouchOSC.

  6. Now launch Millumin, and open the Device window.
    From the menubar, choose "Devices" then "Setup OSC ..."

  7. Be sure "Send OSC messages" and "Listen OSC messages" are enabled.

  8. Go to TouchOSC's connection and copy the "current IP" of Millumin.
    Be sure the port are right.

  9. Copy the TouchOSC's "local IP address" into Millumin's "to Machine" field.

  10. OK, try to change the opacity in Millumin or in TouchOSC : the 2 applications are now connected !
    Ready for interactions between Millumin and your iPhone.

    You can also use the layout for mapping.

    Or the layout for iPad.

More on the the developer-kit.

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