Millumin Help

Create a LED mapping

  • To make a led mapping, you need to create a DMX layer. Click on the triangle next to the "+" button, and select "DMX Layer."

    Note that this option is available in Dashboard and in Timeline.

  • You now have a DMX layer at the top of your canvas.

  • This layer will create a texture that compute the color displayed by each LED depending on the average of the color covered by the DMX layer.

  • Each pixel of this texture correspond to one of your fixture's LED. So, to work properly, you have to say to Millumin what are your fixture's settings.

    Resolution : Indicate the number of LED in the width and height of your fixture.

    Size : This the texture's size from which the LED's color will be compute.

    LED type : The color format of your LED.

    DMX channel : Say to which DMX channel is connect your fixture.

  • Note that clicking on the gearing allow you to choose if the signal is send by artnet, or to an USB DMX device.

    To manage your USB DMX devices, open the device manager ("Window" in the menubar, or "manage devices..." after clicking on the gearing).

    Click the plus button to add a new USB DMX device, and select its serial. You also could choose its mode : sending or receiving DMX signals.

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