Millumin Help

Link timelines to canvas

    In Millumin, a timeline can be used in several ways. One of them is to create linear content and project it on a scenic object.

    As example here we have a backgrounds and birds crossing.

    You can now insert that timeline inside a dashboard and play it like a normal media.

    By default a timeline has the same size as the canvas.

    If you want to use the timeline to create small parts of your video-mapping, you can change the size by clicking on setup.

    In custom canvas mode, you can select the canvas in wich the timeline is rendered.

    For example, I can create a timeline with just the birds crossing and then insert it on a background of my choice

    Note that here the timeline is extended on 2 columns.

    This can by made by clicking on edit mode and draging the edges of the media.

    If you have more than one canvas, you can select the canvas in wich you want the composition to render. The size will automaticaly be updated.

    If the selected canvas contain mapping surfaces, you can use them in the timeline.

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