Millumin Help

How to update Millumin ?

Update Channels

Millumin is updated on a regular basis.
There are 2 channels of updates : official and beta. The official versions are even numbers (3.16.c for example) while beta versions are odd numbers (3.17.c for example).

By default, Millumin only shows official versions, but you can subscribe to beta versions from the Preferences/Update :

To learn more about the beta versions, please read this article.

Update your Millumin

The easiest way is to run Millumin : if there is an update available, Millumin will ask you to do so. Obviously, your machine must be connected to internet. You can also check for updates from "Millumin" menubar.
Lastly, you can redownload Millumin from your account page if you own a license. If you do not, you can redownload Millumin from our website.

We recommend to follow minor updates (3.18.a to 3.18.b for example), as these are only bug fixes and small improvements. Important features are tested for months through the beta channel (versions with odd numbers, such as 3.19.a).

Update your macOS

We recommend to follow minor macOS updates.
For example updating from macOS 10.14.1 to macOS 10.14.6.

if you have a question, do not hesitate to contact us by email, or even simpler, via the "Contact" button. See top-right corner of Millumin :

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