Millumin Help

Is Millumin 64-bits ? What does it mean ?

What is 64-bits support ?
Most of computers shipped in the last 5 years got 64-bits processors : that is mean faster calculations and better memory usage. But you need 64-bits applications to take advantage of this.
The problem is that most of the video applications are 32-bits, because of the frameworks they rely on : usually QTKit that is 32-bits only.

What are the advantages ?
The 32-bits applications cannot use more than 4 Go of RAM : that is a big limitation nowadays. The 64 bits applications do not have such limitation.
On Mountain Lion or later, Millumin V1 uses new 64-bits libraries to improve movie playback performance. The difference is huge on big movies (2K, 4K or higher).
Since V2, Millumin is 64-bits only.

In Millumin V1 : can I switch easily between 32 and 64 bits mode ?
You need OSX Mountain Lion (10.8) or later. Then, just open the Preferences, and change the settings in the General tab.

Do you have an example for performances ?
Yes of course :
- on a MacBookPro Retina 2012
- on OSX Mountain Lion 10.8
- with a global resolution of 7680 x 1080 pixels (4 screens)
- playing 3 movies (Photo-JPEG, 7680 x 1080 pixels)
- this setup runs at 45 frames per seconds (and even better with HAP codec)

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