Millumin Help

How to make a basic video show ?

Create a new Millumin project :

Now that your project is created you have an empty Dashboard :

The dashboard is composed of layer and column. The layer will handle your media, and the column the continuity of your show. For example, you can see each column as a scene of your show.

Drag and drop a media to add it to your dashboard :

If you need, you can create a new layer by pushing "CMD+L" on your keyboard, or with the big "+" button on the button left of Millumin :

If you launch a column, it will play its media in the canvas

You can add multiple media at the same time to the dashboard. Millumin will add them successively.

You can scroll through your column by pushing SPACE on your keyboard.

The transition between your media is quite rough by default. But Millumin allow you to have more fluid ones. First you have to activate the edit mode by clicking on the "edit mode" button at the bottom left corner :

Now you can create cross fade transition between your column. Click on the column gear, then, set a transition :

When you launch the column, a transition is called. You can have more information about this feature here.

In edit mode you can also drag and drop a media to move it :

Or delete them by selecting it and press BACKSPACE on your keyboard :

If you want to reuse a media, you can find it in the library :

Then you just have to drag it into the dashboard to use it.

Before playing your show, check that Millumin is connected to the good output. By default it is connected to the first detected external output.
Go to "output" :

There you can check your output and change it :

Now, you are ready to play your show on stage !
If you want to go further, please read this tutorial (about projector setup) then this tutorial (about videomapping).

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