Millumin Help

Using Kinect and LeapMotion

  • To use a sensor such as the Kinect, you just have to plug it, then launch Millumin. If it is the first time that you use a Kinect with Millumin, it will ask you to download dependencies.
    If you have a LeapMotion, you have to install its driver first from here.

    As an experimental feature, Millumin also supports Kinect 2 (for Xbox-one) : to test it, be sure to activate it from Preferences/Addons. Such a Kinect requires an USB 3 port to work.

    Tips : sometimes, the Kinect could be a little capricious, and the device not recognized by the computer. To handle this problem, just let the Kinect USB port plug, then unplug/plug its electric outlet. It will reset the Kinect, and should solve the problem.

    Warnings : because of a technical limitation on the USB ports, the Kinect 1 (for Xbox-360) cannot work on the new MacPro (black cylinder). The Kinect 2 (for Xbox-one) is however working on such computers.

  • Creating an interaction for a Kinect or LeapMotion works the same way in Millumin. Open the interaction panel (CMD+M).

  • Like any other interactive device, select the highlighted property you want to control.

    Then, go in front of your device. If your are detected by the Kinect or the Leapmotion, Millumin will list all the received inputs. So, if your hand is detected by a LeapMotion, you could choose the part of your hand that will control the selected property.

  • In the interaction panel, you can configure your input.

    For example, if it is a LeapMotion, you can choose to track the left or right hand, and which part of this hand, or its orientation.

    You also can select the tracked axis : x (horizontal), y (vertical) or z (depth).

    Note that, in the skeleton view, the tracked bone is colored in red.

  • Don't forget to calibrate your interaction if needed.

  • If you are using a Kinect, you also can use it as a mask.

    A KinectMask should be in your library. Just drag and drop it in your dashboard to play it as a camera

  • With the KinectMask, you can switch between different mode :

    Image : display the Kinect's color channel.

    Depth : display the Kinect's depth channel.

    Mask : Allow you to create a Mask based on the depth channel.

  • To make the mask effect with a Kinect, select the mask mode.

    Then change the blending mode to alpha matte.

  • With the KinectMask, you also can use the user mode that will automatically make a mask on the detected user.

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