Millumin Help

Prepare your mapping with surfaces

This tutorial will show you the workflow to prepare your video content and save time with easier mapping when on location.

  • First draw a sketch or pick up a plan of the stage.
    Put it in a new Millumin project and open the output view.

    Import your sketch

  • Open the « surfaces » panel.
    In that panel, you can create mapping presets that can be called later to do the layers mapping.
    The idea behind this is that every layer will have a surface preset.
    Once on the final location, you will just have to adjust the mapping surfaces to the real stage dimensions.
    All your layers would be thence mapped correctly.

  • Open the surface panel.

  • Now create surfaces.

  • Create a surface

  • As if it was mapping, adapt the surfaces to the projections surfaces defined on your sketch.
    Notice that you can create global surfaces. For example, here we have a surface for the right part of the door, one for the left part and a global one one the left and the right part.
    For better organisation, you can name your surfaces, it makes them easier to recall.

  • Final result

  • Getting back to the dashboard, we can set a surface for every layer we create.
    If we have multiple boards, use those surfaces across dashboards.

  • Connect the mapping to a surface

    Each layer is connected to a surfaces

  • Tips : if mapping a circle (or a complex shape), you can use the "cropped" option in slice-editor.

  • Disable "cropped" option to map a complex shape

  • You can also recall surfaces inside a timeline or in another board.

  • Surfaces in timelines

    Now, you can create all your content with the layers, timelines animation, transitions and effects.
    On the show location, you will just have to adapt the projection surfaces in the « Output » window and all the layers will modify their mapping accordingly.

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