Millumin Help

Connect interactive devices to Millumin

  • Millumin can interact with connected device via MIDI and OSC protocol. After connecting your device, open the Interactions panel.

  • All the properties that could be plugged to a device will appear in green. Just click on the property you want to connect that will be bordered in yellow.

  • In this example, I will use a midi controller. To connect one of its key to the selected property, I just need to press the wanted key.

  • And it will be automatically assign to the selected property.

  • Now, clicking on the midi key will launch the next column.

  • To connect an OSC device, first verify that you have the correct server setting. Open the Interactions panel, and go to "Manage devices...".

  • Then, go to the OSC menu, and check that your OSC device has the same parameter than the OSC server.

    Note that you could creat other OSC server by clicking on the "+" button in Millumin.

  • If your settings are correctly set, the process to connect your OSC control to a property will be the same than the MIDI process. Millumin will automaticaly assign the OSC message to the wanted property.

  • If needed, you can change the input's setting, by clicking on the chosen input in the Interactions panel. For exemple, in the OSC's case, you could edit the listenned message, and select the tracked parameter.

  • The transformer menu allow you to transform the input value. Change the type to "switch" or "toggle" to use the input like a button.

  • The bar visualize the current value. You can edit the minimal and maximal accepted value by editing the first and second value.

  • In the case you don't know what values will be send by your device, you can auto calibrate your intput by clicking on the "calibrate" button.

  • Click on the "learn limit", and send messages with your device. Millumin will try to determinate the minimal and maximal values send by the device, and set them as such.

    Note that in linear mode you can apply a smooth to the values to limit noise values.

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