Millumin Help

Free Applications

Over the years, we have been developping some applications outside Millumin. These ones may be useful for you :


Application for surtitles in theater and opera.


To generate a LTC signal (audio) or a MTC signal (MIDI).
It can be used directly with Millumin or another software.


Send synchronously the same OSC message to several machines, so they can start at the same time for example. Simple but efficient in some situations.


Send OSC messages depending on audio volume. Useful for audio reaction.

After Effects plugin

Get After Effects output in Millumin (in realtime).

Cinema 4D plugin

Get Cinema 4D output in Millumin (in realtime).

Unity plugin

Get Unity output in Millumin (in realtime).

Developer Kit

A lot of examples to control Millumin via other technologies (Processing, Max, Openframeworks, Cinder, Arduino, TouchOSC, Lemur, ...). This can be applied to control other softwares as well.

Millumin Clock

Dnny from Millumin's forum created a nice application to display Millumin's countdown.

VDMX Freebies

People behind VDMX software also offers nice applications, such as AVF Batch Converter or Black Syphon.

Open Stage Control

Libre and modular OSC / MIDI controller, that can be used as a standalone application as well as on a mobile device's browser.
Mehdi from Trafikandars kindly provided a template here.

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