Millumin Help

What are the differences between Millumin V1, V2 and V3 ?

Despite these major versions are quite similar, Millumin V2 contains of course many new features than Millumin V1 :

Here are main interface changes between V1 and V2 :

  • Masks and warping settings are now accessible in the properties-panel

  • "Automatic transitions" are now called "Media transitions" (see this tutorial)

  • "Compositions" have been renamed "Timelines"

  • You do not need to click the "Enter Fullscreen" button any more, since everything is handled automatically (you can still exit fullscreen via CMD+F)

Here are the features than have been removed in V2/V3 :

  • Quartz Composer effects, since this technology is dying and have many problems (you can still import Quartz Composer patches as media, and you have shader effects in Millumin V2/V3)

  • "Fill layers" have been replaced by "Color cards" concept (see this tip)

  • "Fade-to-black" button (but you have a "video master" in Millumin V3)

To finish, what's new in Millumin V3 ?
We wrote a full article here, to show all the nice new features of this major version.

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