Millumin Help

Control Millumin with TouchOSC

TouchOSC runs on your iPhone/iPad/Android, and allows you to control Millumin from there. So no need to be in the front of your computer !

First, be sure your computer and your device are on the same Wifi network.
If you don't have one around you, create it from your computer.

  • Install TouchOSC on your device.

  • Download TouchMillumin templates : this is a special layout for TouchOSC.

  • Copy this layout on your iPhone : the easiest way is to use iTunes. You can also use the TouchOSC editor.

  • Then, choose this layout in TouchOSC.

  • Now launch Millumin, open the "Device Manager" window (CMD+K) and choose the OSC tab.

  • Be sure to activate "API Feedback".
    Then select (or create) a server and click on the Bonjour icon to set it up for TouchOSC.

  • Go to TouchOSC's connection and select "Millumin"

  • Try to change the opacity in Millumin or in TouchOSC : the 2 applications are now connected !
    Ready for interactions between Millumin and your device.

  • More on the the developer-kit.

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