Millumin Help

Get Photoshop image

You can get a Photoshop (CC2015 or later) image as a media in Millumin.
For that, you must activate the remote connection in Photoshop preferences and enter a password :

If needed, restart Photoshop.
In Millumin, Photoshop will appear as a media in the library :

You need to type the password in the media's properties :

You can use the plugin over the network. Both computers must be connected to the same network.

Usage and limitations :
● Works with CC2015 or newer.
● The image will be updated once you release the tool you are using.
● In alpha mode all layers are rendered. Even if they are hidden in Photoshop.
● In alpha mode, the image is resized to the minimum bounding box of your image. So you will need to add a pixel in each corner to receive the image at the right resolution.
● If you work with multiple files in Photoshop, you need to put them on screen so Millumin will receive the image and update the menu.

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