Millumin Help

Use DMX light in video setups

Millumin allows you to manage stage lights.

First, be sure to configure your DMX device.
From the menubar, go to Windows > Device Manager. Or simply hit ⌘+K

If your lights are connected via Artnet, there is nothing to do : in Millumin, Artnet is seen as a long continuous universe of 512*256 channels.
If you use an USB-DMX device, you can add it by clicking "+" and selecting the right serial.

Millumin have been tested with ENTTEC, DMXKing and Show Jockey devices.
More info here. Note that you can create as much devices as you want.

Go back to the dashboard, and switch to "Light" mode :

If you want to stay in "Canvas" mode, just activate the lights :

Now add a light :

The light will be automatically selected.
You can select the fixture, the DMX address and the device on which it is connected.

If your device include multiple universes (such as Artnet), you reach directly your address by typing [channel]@[universe]

Add as much light has you have projectors.
Note that the DMX address is incremented automatically.

Once you added your lights, start creating a state :
- you can change the intensity from the properties-panel
- if you are in "Light" mode, simply use the mouse-wheel on the light

To save this state : edit the board (click the eponym button or press ⌘+E), then click on the column and press the button "Save State" :

You can now alternate the light scenes with the movie scenes

Also, you can add smooth transition between columns :

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