Millumin Help

Use data track to send MIDI, OSC, DMX, ...

Data tracks will allows you to send datas from millumin to other applications or devices.

  • Create a dataTrack by clicking on the + button

  • Select the type of data you want to send : It could be OSC/DMX/Midi or electronic signals. This last case will be treated in a special tutorial.

  • Depending on the mode you select you will have to select the parameters.

  • In OSC mode you can choose the server used to send the messages. The range and the address of the message.

  • The osc server can be configurated by going in Windows->Device Manager->OSC.

    Note that you can create more than one OSC server.

    If your application is compliant with Bonjour, you can select it to configure IP/port automatically.

  • In DMX mode you can choose the address.

    If you have multiple DMX devices connected, can select it by clicking the wheel.

  • Note that you can also access the DMX parameters from here.

  • All your data tracks can be edited collumn by collumn in the dashboard.

  • In MIDI mode you can choose the channel and the control.

  • You can also create data tracks in timelines by following the previous steps.

    In Timelines, data track values can be changed with keyframes

  • You can edit the keyframes values by clicking them.

    Note that you can select a specific ease mode for each keyframe.

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