Millumin Help

Animate properties

  • To animate a property in the dashboard, set the edit mode.

  • Open the property panel.

  • Select the properties you want to animate.

  • Set the properties at the values you want for the first column, and then open the column panel.

  • Click on the "Save Current State" button to save your properties state for this column

  • Now the properties are saved for this column. Other column show an arrow. That mean they don't have any properties set. So they take the values of the previous column.

  • So to animate your properties you have to set their value on a least two column. You can set them directly in the dashboard by double clicking on the proper cell. For exemple in the following image I edit the position for the first layer at the second column.

  • Now, when you switch between your first and second column, your layer instantly change its value accordly how you set them.

  • The last step is to set the transition between your two column. Reopen the column panel set the transition time you want to enter in the current column. You can also choose the shape of the curve.

  • When you use a timeline, the process is exactly the same. Exept than using column, you use keyframe. So the first step is to set the keyframe mode.

  • After the properties you want to animate had been selected in the property panel, each time you modify their values, a keyframe will be create at the cursor position.

  • You can change the property of the keyframe by clicking on it. "Time" refer to its position in the timeline, and "value" to the property value. Change the "easing" to modify the interpolation between two keyframe.

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