Millumin Help

Setting up a projection

This tutorial will guide you through the steps of connecting a projector to your computer and set up your first projection.


First thing to do is to connect the projector to your computer.
For that, you can use an HDMI cable if your computer have the connectivity.
HDMI looks like this :

If you only have usb-c or thunderbolt ports, you'll need an adapter that goes form usb or Thunderbold to HDMI, DVI, Displayport...
A lot of these exists, but in that case, any basic adapter would work.
Then you can power up your projector and your computer should recognised it.
Your main screen might blink and you should see an image on the projector.


When you connect a projector to a computer for the first time, it turns out un mirror mode.
That means that the image on the projector is the same that the one on your main display.
Now you need to remove the mirroring option, so you will have Millumin interface on your main screen and the projection on the other screen.
For that, you need to go in apple→ System Preferences→Displays→Arrangement and uncheck "Mirror displays".

Creating a project

You can now fire up Millumin and create a new project.
Millumin will now detect your projector and set up the project automatically.
In other cases, you can go in the output window, select the right output :

Placing the projector

Next, you need to place your projector in a stable position and be sure that it covers the whole projection surface.
To be sure of that, you can use Millumin test card

Good projector position, every surface is covered by the projector

Bad projector position, not every surface is covered by the projector.

You can also use the test card to focus the image.

Projecting video

You can now start your project using Millumin. For the first steps, please see this tutorial.
If you already know the basics, you can then read this tutorial about videomapping.

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