Millumin Help

Millumin Beginner Tutorial (4 steps)

You will learn the basics through the following parts :
        1 / Organize Content in the Dashboard
        2 / Correct Perspective with Video Mapping
        3 / Create Content with Timelines
        4 / Create a Light Plot

1 / Organize Content in the Dashboard

  • In this tutorial, you will learn the basics about content organization in Millumin.
    First drag and drop your medias (images, movies, sounds) in the dashboard.
    By hitting the space bar, you can go to the next column.

  • The dashboard have several columns. Each column can be see as a key moment of the show.
    You can also had layers to the board. they allow you to create different projections zones.
    To add a layer, click on the "+" button.

  • If you had a layer on top, it will be add over previous layers. So its medias will read over.

  • You can trim the layer opacity by modifying the "opacity" value in the right panel.

    Generaly, all the layer's properties can be trimmed in this right panel.

  • Entering the "edit mode" allow you to reorganize medias and layers.

  • Finally, you can set a transition time between each columns.

  • A sample project could be downloaded here

2 / Correct Perspective with Video Mapping.

  • Video mapping is a technique that will help you to correct perspectives and apply them on a real surface.

  • In Millumin, the videomapping is edited by layer.
    Select a layer and the mapping tool :

  • Then move the corners to adjust the perspective.

  • Once the mapping is completed, you can go in the mask tool to hide the parts that doesn’t need to be showed.

  • You can now add points to create a mask

  • A sample project could be downloaded here

3 / Create Content with Timelines

  • A timeline will organize your medias as linear contents.

  • To create a timeline, click on the “+” button under the library

  • To import medias in the library, drag and drop them from the Finder.

  • Medias can now be ordered into the timeline.

  • Move the cursor to navigate into the timeline. Or hit the space bar to play/pause.

  • Once you finished to edit your timeline, go back to the Dashboard to render it as any other media.

  • At any time, you can go back to your timeline to edit it again.

  • In timeline mode, you also can add keyframe to animate layers parameters :

  • More infos on the keyframes here
    A sample project could be downloaded here

4 / Create your first Light Plot

  • Millumin2 offers the possibility to control lights via DMX.
    There are two ways of controlling them in Millumin2 :
    1 - Artnet : good news nothing to do everything is configured.
    2 - Using an USB to DMX device. To configure your device, plug it and hit "Cmd+k" to go in the DMX tab.

    Select the device inthe serial list.

  • Now close the panel and add some lights

    Each light can be assigned to the device of your choice (Artnet or USB DMX.)

  • Scroll on a light to adjust its intensity.

  • More infos on the lights here
    A sample project could be downloaded here

All right. You are now ready to go with Millumin, or dig further with other tutorials below.

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