Millumin Help

What's new in Millumin ?

You can download Millumin here, as well as find more info about the pricing or have a summary of the new features.

Important updates have a different number (3.16 versus 3.17), more info in this post.
Please find below the release notes of important Millumin updates :

Laser support

ILDA lasers can draw any shape at any moment. It is very very bright, so it can be projected on flat, non-flat surfaces as well as on smoke to create volumes. Currently, EtherDream, Helios, ShowNET and LaserCube USB/Wifi DACs are supported.
More info in this tutorial.

10-bit Rendering

For displays that support 10-bit color-depth (1 billion colors), select this setting from Preferences. It can be quite useful to display nice gradients.

Audio Inputs

If you use webcam, your iPhone or a generic capture card with an audio input, you can now get the sound.
But this also works with audio-only inputs, such as microphones, as well !

Custom Fixtures for Pixel-mapping

Millumin already supported most common fixtures, especially for LED mapping. But now, it is possible to create your own ones, to control even more complex light configurations.

Better Video-routing

Listening to your feedback, we improved the video-routing feature. Especially to edit with numbers, slice-editor included. The origin always on the top-left corner, and snapping has been refined. Lastly, SVG import/export have been added.

Alpha-only Mode for Outputs

An useful option output fill/key streams, with a Blackmagic ATEM for example.

Link a canvas with a PJLink device

PJLink is a protocol allowing you to control a videoprojector (power on/off, shutter open/close, ...). Now you can make a canvas open/close the shutter automatically.

Screen-capture Improvements

It is now possible to capture the whole screen. But there is more : with macOS 12, we are able to use a new library that improves significally the performances as well as provide new options, such as hiding Millumin's own window or the mouse cursor.

HAP R & NotchLC codec

There is 5 official flavours for the HAP codec (HAP, HAP Alpha, HAP Q, HAP Q Alpha, HAP Alpha-only).
Millumin supports all of them. But a new one is coming, and despite non official for the moment, Millumin is now supporting HAP R : this new flavour brings even better quality at the same bitrate of the HAP Q. You can use Jokyo Encoder to produce such HAP R files.
Also, Millumin now supports NotchLC codec, that is able to encode in high-quality and in 10-bit (for better rendering especially with gradients). As for the HAP, the decoding is mainly processed by the GPU (which is quite efficient).

Goto -10/-20/-30 Cues

You can access such cues from the time-panel (on the right of the dashboard), and you can now use negative values to go 10, 20, ... seconds before the end of the column.

Show Loop-mode in Dashboard

When zoomed enough in the dashboard, an icon representing the loop-mode of your media will appear. This is handy to check your show in a snap.


- larger layer's names
- show media in library from properties-view
- improved performances with Blackmagic Decklink 8K Pro
- prevent macOS from mirroring displays (see Preferences)
- control masters via OSC API
- update to NDI v.5.5.1
- various ergonomic improvements

Matrix Soft-edge

You can now create a 2x2 (or more) soft-edge.
Of course, classic horizontal and vertical soft-edge are still available.

Warping & Masks at canvas level

As you can now apply some global warping and masks directly on your canvas, you do not need to do in your workspace with multiple canvases. This majes your workspace clearer, and makes you able to focus on your content.

Curved Outputs

Sometimes, projection surfaces are not flat : in such cases, applying a curve-warping to your output is very useful. So you could for example create a soft-edge on a curved screen.

Video Routing

Easily remap many canvases to a specific output, or split a canvas into several outputs.
This feature has many use cases, such as monitoring canvases via NDI, duplicating projections, splitting a Blackmagic output, managing rotated displays, ...

Data-track commands

Commands allows you to send specific signals (MIDI, OSC, DMX, ...) on a specific moment of your show. This makes the data-tracks even more useful and easy to use.

ATEM support

Blackmagic Design ATEM switchers can now be controlled remotely from Millumin. Simply select the "ATEM" mode in a data-track.

Browser Input

Show a website directly in Millumin. For example a beautiful shader from Shadertoy.


MilluNode is a Mac/Windows application to extend your Millumin. Indeed, run MilluNode on one or more computers, so that Millumin can take control and share the workload. It works on local and Internet networks.
Check out this page for more info.

Metal Millumin

During last years, a new generation of GPU libraries & technologies emerged. Indeed, OpenGL is being replaced by Vulkan. Microsoft is doing the same with DirectX 12. And Apple with Metal.
In brief : for Macintosh computers, Metal is the successor of OpenGL (that made running macOS applications for almost 20 years !).
And Millumin is now optimized for Metal. Going to Metal will allow us to follow new features and improvements from Apple in a more easy way.

Is your machine compatible ? Most computers shipped since 2012 are, more info on this post.
And if your machine is not compatible, Millumin will automatically fall back to OpenGL drivers.
To know if Millumin is running with Metal, open the Monitor from "Window" menubar, then go to "System" tab.

Apple M1

Apple is now using its own processors, the first one being called Apple M1. By 2023, Intel processors will not be used any more.
Millumin is optimized for both Intel and Apple M1, so you can get the most out of any Mac you own.

However, the LeapMotion and the Kinect are not supported natively on Apple M1 platform. If you need to use such devices, run Millumin with Rosetta (select, press CMD+I then check the option "Open using Rosetta").

LUT effect

If you need to perform some color grading with 3D LUT files, there is now an effect for this purpose !
Check out this page for more info.

Chroma Key effect

This effect replaces the color-key effect. It supports spill suppression.

Skeleton Tracker (Apple M1 only)

Although the Kinect is not supported on Apple M1 computers, such machines can use this brand new feature to detect a skeleton in any image, movie, camera or footwork footage. So it is even more practical and flexible than a Kinect !

Person Detector (Apple M1 only)

If you are missing a green screen on stage, you can still apply this effect to your camera to remove some background. Use macOS 12 or higher for best results.

Workspace improvements

The tools have been refined for better ergonomics.
The snapping is also now better and have visual feedback.

Laslty, you can now pinch to zoom in the workspace, as well as scrolling in both directions.


Support for NDI V5

This standard allows computers as well as specialized hardware to send and receive video over a network.
This brand new version improves performances.

Send audio via NDI

Millumin can now mix the audio produced by a canvas, so it can be embed in your NDI stream (along with your video of course).

A vumeter is displayed in the workspace, so you can monitor what is going out :

PTZ control for NDI camera

If your camera can rotate or adjust its zoom, you can now do it via Millumin. There are also presets to quickly recall a point of view.

A good example of such cameras are the PTZOptics NDI serie :

Convert to HAP in one click

Optimizing your project with the right codec has never been easier : just click the "Optimize" button and start the process.

Decoding audio for NDI media

In the same fashion as Blackmagic capture cards, you can now play audio from NDI feeds.
Simply activate the option "render audio" in media's properties.

Managing tally for NDI media

The tally shows which camera is currently live : for example, this is very useful for an actor or presenter to know at which camera he should stare at.
On Newtek NDI HX Camera application, the tally will be a blue contour if the camera is previewed only, and red if the camera is live.


- updating to latest NDI version (4.5.3)
- managing "10-Bit YUV" mode for Blackmagic capture cards

Light States

By the past, it was hard to manage a lot of lights, because it was so many lines in Millumin's interface. Now, there is only a single line to store the state of the lights, for every column of the dashboard. And you just need to click on "save current state" button to save such a whole light-state.

Redesigned Light-plot

We reworked the light-plot from scratch !
You can now select and move multiple lights at once, use trackpad gestures in light-plot, and many more ergonomic things.

Light with Percents

By default Millumin now displays light parameters with percent. You can of course change this from the Preferences.

Light Grid-view & Command-line

For more advanced usages, the lights (and its multiple properties when needed) can be displayed as a grid. But more importantly, a command-line allows you to quickly work with it.

Transition Control

Now that you have a different transition timing for column and lights, it makes sense to manually control how transition evolves. Indeed, you can take control on a transition with MIDI fader for example, then finish it at the right pace if needed.

Audio Waveforms

Millumin is now showing the waveforms for the audio contained in your movie or sound files.
It is quite practical in the timeline to place keyframes accordingly. Waveforms are also displayed in dashboard's time-panel.

Audio Interactions

Use your microphone or any audio source to create interactions. The signal analysis is very responsive (low latency), and allows you to choose the volume and the frequency you want to track.
If you want to route audio inside your computer, Loopback may be very useful.

New "internal signal" Mode for Data-track

This mode is a convenient one, so you could generate generic data easily, and reuse it anywhere in your project.
Therefore, you can build a timeline that is only about sending data, and use such a timeline to control your layers and other things (through interactions of course).

Send Data directly from Interactions

There is a new action for interactions, that allows you to send data, just as you can do with data-track. Be sure to create an interaction with the "+" button, then choose this action.
It is very practical to transform one signal into another one (for example MIDI to DMX).


This is a new kind of media that you can create from the library (click the "+" button).
This allows you to execute Apple scripts, and do various tasks (running applications, opening documents, executing terminal commands, ...). Obviously very practical for autonomous installations.

Artnet Unicast

This feature is quite advanced, but very useful if you have a lot of Artnet universes. It allows you to send universes to a specific machine/IP, so you can work easily with numerous nodes, as well as saving network bandwidth.

MacPro's Afterburner support

Afterburner is a special module for the new MacPro, that focus on decoding ProRes and ProRes RAW codecs (so CPU does not need to do so).

Bluefish444 support

The manufacturer Bluefish444 is producing capture cards with low latency, that Millumin is now supporting. It has been tested on Thunderbolt 3 chassis, so it is suitable for a MacBookPro or a MacMini.

NDI V4 support

This brand new version of NDI was recently released and features great performance improvements.
Along with NDI V4, Newtek released a new application for iOS, that is far more better than previous one (making possible to use your iPhone to transfert a 1080p feed via NDI).

Replace Inputs in Library

If you switch to another capture card or a new camera, you may have to relink your media in your project. But now, you can quickly do this : simply by right-clicking on the item in the library (Blackmagic input, camera, NDI, Syphon, ...), and Millumin will propose you to replace all the media matching in your project.

Command-line to activate/deactivate Millumin

This is a convenience for admins that need to manage several machines at once.
Use the following command in a terminal :

sudo -activate=MYP-ROD-UCT-KEY -deactivate


- YUV-format for Blackmagic output (to use less bandwidth)
- faster screen capture
- faster animation of movie’s speed


- OSC message to import files in dashboard
- Wacom tablet support for brush-tool
- shortcuts to edit previous/next column (⌘ ←/→ while editing a column)
- in a timeline, maintain ALT to change movie's start-time (like in Final Cut)
- copy-paste keyframes from different tracks
- keep timings while moving multiple timeline-objects
- timecode for embed timelines in dashboard
- drag with the mouse in time-panel (to scroll in your movie)
- show folder of media in library-info
- filter to show all timelines in library
- using keywords to select a window for screen-capture
- sort option for slideshow
- lock focus/exposure/white-balance for webcams
- project PDF export
- EXR images support
- new LED fixture LRGB and WRGB
- updated plugin for Cinema 4D R21
- new effects (borders around alpha / old video / auto-fade / auto-rotation / black & white)

Control projectors via PJLink

We impemented custom support for PJLink protocol, so you can now easily control your projectors : switching on/off, closing the shutter, ... Use the new "PJLink" mode in the data-track.
Please keep in mind that PJLink support all depends on manufacturer implementation. Please contact your projector supplier for more information.

Forced Framerate for Output Cards

When using a card (such as a Blackmagic or an AJA) to output, the framerate can be different than the one of the graphic card. Now Millumin automatically adpats its global framerate so it matches the one of such cards.
For example, your graphic card works at 60hz, but the output format is 1080p50 : Millumin will switch its framerate to 50fps to match it.

Auto-Go Program

This allows you to launch a column after a specific duration (in the same fashion as the loop-mode "auto-follow" for movies). You can find it in Millumin's library (in the "Programs" folder), and use it just as any media.

Pixel & LED Mapping

We made several improvements in this area :
- option to flip vertically/horizontally the fixture
- option to test the fixture (and show the first and last LED)
- new RGB16 type
- DMX curves to improve how a LED displays color
- more convenient control to choose DMX channel
- performances have been slightly improved

sACN support

This protocol is very optimized to send very large amount of DMX via the network. Also, it features more universes than Artnet V2, that is limited to to 256, while Millumin can deal with up to 2048 universes via sACN (we might increase this number in the future).


To ease your job, we first added an option to constraint the size of a layer in pixels, so whatever is displayed by this layer, it will always display the content in the same amount of pixels (see "cog" icon next to "scale" property).

We also largely improved the snapping (maintain SHIFT), especially to snap edge-to-edge between layers.
By popular demand, you can now change the origin or the workspace (center as it always was, but also top-left or bottom-left corner). See Preferences/Workspace.
In the same fashion, the anchor of each layer can now be set on a specific corner. It is very handy to position your layer where you want, or rotation it from the right corner. See "cog" icon next to "position" property.

Lastly, multiple selection comes new buttons, to align and space-out your layers.

Show Column Transitions & Notes

A sober animation will now show you how Millumin performs a transitions from one column to another.
A very discrete icon change, also shows if a columns has a transition or not.

Also, you can now write and display notes for a particular column, in case you need to remember important things.

Free Text

Until now, to display text in a layer, a TXT file was needed. Now you can find a "free text" media directly in Millumin's library. This also comes with new options, such as one to force the size of the text-box, to use the whole text, or update the text via OSC (see this tutorial).


The test-card for timecodes have been largely improved, especially to show frame accuracy between machines. As well, timecodes are better used by Millumin now : depending on the "loop-mode" of your media, Millumin will automatically go to the first or last frame of your movie if the timecode is behind or ahead.
For your convenience, a new option allows you to display the timecode in the workpace. Also, Millumin automatically detects if a movie file contains a timecode-track : if so, it uses the first embed value in such file to initialize properties.


This is a new kind of interaction that can perform an action : on a specific date, periodically, every hour, every day, or on some days of the week.

Multiple Universes on USB DMX

Some USB DMX devives such as the Enttec USB DMX Pro Mk2 supports multiple universes (in the same fashion as Artnet).
Millumin now supports such capabilities.

Plugin for Cinema4D R20

With version R20, Cinema4D changed how the plugins worked. We refactored ours, so it now works with latest Cinema4D version.


- image-inputs for ISF shaders and effects
- trim timeline in/out from cursor position
- split media in timeline (CMD+SHIFT+X)
- maintain SHIFT to skip transitions (option in Preferences)
- edit multiple columns and transition separatly
- multi-select elements to hide/lock them all in one click
- library filter to show missing files
- looking for other missing files after replacing one file
- disk usage in Monitor
- disable workspace via OSC
- new OSC message to go to time with “hh:mm:ss.sss”
- new OSC message “/action/pauseAll”
- assign an interaction to a button in properties-view
- previous/next buttons for slide-show and PDFs
- button to fit canvas into output
- resdesigned test-card
- show loop-behavior in time-panel
- show name of media/column in interaction's name
- new "delay" effect (see "Animation" effect menu)
- mix parameter for freeze-frame effect
- alpha option for “Color Monochrome” effect
- MSC mode to launch columns via index or title
- enable loopback for Artnet ( interface)
- import interactions when importing a project
- subtle graphic improvements for interface

Various Optimizations

Playback for HAP, especially loops, have been optimized, as well as engine for audio-routing.
If you import numerous files at once, you will also see a large improvement.

Final Toughts

We would like to thank people that helped to shape this version.
Especially Hardeep, Johnatan B. and the people from London's training. Your feedback was very valuable !

Timecode support

Millumin both supports MTC and LTC timecodes to synchronize movies or timelines.

You can configure one (or more) from the Device-panel (CMD+K) :

Then, you can use the option "timecode" in movie's properties, to drive it with the timecode. For timelines, it is the same (see "setup" button in timeline-mode).
Please read this tutorial to learn more.

Lastly, you can use timecode as interaction : simply open the interaction panel (CMD+M) and create a "timecode" interaction with the "+" button.

Advanced Light Fixtures

Millumin now supports Open-Fixture-Library format, so you can import and create custom fixtures for your lights.
Of course, you can animate any property of the fixture right inside a timeline or dashboard.
We also redesigned the light-plot, so you could exclude lights : for example, this is very handy, when you want to create a chase for a few specific lights.

Brand New Monitor

We unified the monitor.
Now you have a single panel to use masters (for video, audio and DMX), patch lights, watch DMX or read various logs.

Also, we are introducing the "cues" : it allows you to recall a specific time in the dashboard or the timeline. Quite pratical for rehearsals.

3D Structure

Millumin can use a 3D mesh (OBJ or DAE file) to ease the videomapping, and allows effects such as anamorphosis. More info on this tutorial.
NOTE : this features may evolve somehow in the future, based on the user's feedback. We are hearing you to improve this feature !

Cinema 4D, Unity & Photoshop plugins

The 2 first plugins are meant to be used with the structures (see above), but you can also simply get the frames from Cinema 4D or Unity. See this tutorial.
For Photoshop, see this tutorial.

Advanced Audio Routing

This option is also located in movie's properties.
It allows you to mix, and manage how every audio-channel of your movie is sent to the audio-output.
Do not hesitate to use audio-layout to create shared configurations between your media.

Curves in Timelines

You can now see how keyframes affects your animation in timelines. We also added rectangle-selection, so it becomes even easier to select part of your timeline.

Live Preview Grid

Sometimes it is nice to see the future. This is exactly what the preview-grid is designed for : monitor what's next in your show.

To display it, click "Preview Grid" from "Window" menubar. Then, you can add as many slot as needed, organize them, resize them. A slot can preview almost anything : the next column, a specific layer, a camera, ...
You can even click a slot to start a column or a media.

Info in Library

We added a new panel to preview any media from your library. Click the "i" button in library to display it.
This panel provide advanced information about your media as well. Such the resolution, the duration, the codecs, how many times it is used in your project, ...
We also added a zoom, so thumbnail appears bigger and with basic information.

NDI® V3 Support

Since its early stages, we have been supporting this protocol to send video-over-ip.
This third version brings important improvements in quality, and introduces a new format, especially designed for low connection such as Wifi : NDI® HX.
We also worked a lot on NDI performances, so there is a huge gain with 4K output for example.
Note that for the moment, NDI® HX is a protocol dedicated to NewTek Connect Spark.

Render Audio when Exporting Timelines

Mixing audio is not a simple addition of signals, but requires special algorithms. And now, when you export a timeline, Millumin also export the audio. This have been an awaited features, and it is now out.

AJA Output Devices

Just as for the Blackmagic devices, you can now use AJA devices to output. For example with an AJA TTap or an AJA IoXT.

Blob Tracking

This principle is simple but quite efficient : it takes an image (often from a camera), and detects "blobs" that you can track.
This tracker works as a video effect, so you will find it "Effects" tab (in properties-panel on the right of Millumin's interface).
Please read this tutorial for learn how to use it.

Interaction Feedback

This is a new option for interaction : when checked, the interaction will send back a signal (MIDI, OSC, Artnet, ...) if the interaction's target is updated (property changed, column was launched, ...).
This is very useful for interfaces that can deal with feedback, such as Ableton Live, some MIDI controllers, TouchOSC or a lighting desk (via Artnet).

MIDI Show Control support

You can both receive and send MSC. See the data-track and the device-panel to learn more.

OSC-Query Server

This is a new protocol supported by Millumin, that helps to discover OSC messages between applications. More info on this page.
For example, Millumin can now easilly work with Vezer, since the user can quickly grab the available OSC messages.

UDP strings as OSC

You can now send UDP strings to Millumin, and this will be interpreated as OSC.
For example, send the string /go 123.45 to port 5000 (this is the usual port to receive OSC), and Millumin will detect /go as the OSC address and 123.45 as the OSC parameter.

Movie Playback Optimizations

Behind the scenes, the movie player of Millumin have been reworked a lot.
We especially worked on synchronizing movie playback, as well as optimizing playback for movies at 50 or 60 FPS.

iOS Screen Capture

If you connect your iPhone or iPad on your computer via an USB cable, you will see this device in Millumin's library (folder "Inputs"). So you can now capture its screen. Note : you need iOS 11 minimum.

Final Toughts

Thank you for sending us your feedback.
Remind that you can use the "Contact" button, on top-right corner of Millumin :

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