Millumin Help

Save time by reusing mapping surfaces

Mapping surfaces are a new concept in Millumin.
They are made to quickly adapt mapping when changing venue.

  • A mapping surface can be shared between a dashboard and all his related timelines.
    Think of surface as if they where presets for mapping.
    To create surfaces, go to the ouptut panel, select your canvas and click on "surfaces".

  • Now create your mapping surfaces.

  • You can rename the surfaces by clicking on the name and hit enter.

  • Alternatively, you can create your surfaces directly from the dashboard.

  • When you finished your surfaces creation, you can go back to the dashboard, create as much layers as you have surfaces and link your layers to surfaces.

  • You can also click directly on the surface you want to assign.

  • You can do the same in your timelines (beware, the canvas must be the same).

  • Now, if the mapping change (you move to a new venue, the projector move...) you just have to rearrange your mapping surfaces in the output panel.
    The changes will be applied to all your layers.

    Tip : You can snap surfaces by maintening the shift button pressed. All the snapped corners will then move together.

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