Millumin Help

Activate, deactivate or transfer your license ?

Millumin uses a simple licensing system. At first, you can use Millumin for free during 30 days : this is the trial period. After this trial period, Millumin has to be activated with a license (else a watermark will appear on the outputs).
How to activate your Millumin ? It is very easy : three clicks.

Activate a Computer

Run Millumin, open the Preferences (shortcut CMD+,) and select the tab called "Activation" (see image below).

Then click on the "Activate" button, and enter your license key. You will be asked for your administrator password.
That is all : Millumin will display that this new computer is activated (see image below).

Deactivate a Computer

In the "Activation" tab, click on the "Deactivate" button and confirm.
Millumin will display that it is in "trial mode". If no trial days are remaining, a watermark will appear on the outputs.

Transfer your License

If you want to activate another computer, but your license have no available activation any more : you must deactivate one of your computers first, then activate the new one.

   You can know more about the activated machines on your account page.

   If you reinstall or format macOS, no problem, you can reactivate Millumin : the license server will recognize your machine.

   If you plan to change hardware on your machine (or sell it), you must deactivate Millumin first (and any licensed software installed on this machine in general).

   If your machine have been stolen or is broken, you can deactivate it from your account page (click the "Emergency deactivation" button).

   If you have an error, be sure the clock of your computer is correctly setup, and the domain is accessible (this is the license server).

   If you forgot your license number, you can retrieve it with your email address on your account page.

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