Millumin Help

Using electronic devices (such as Arduino™)

Even if it is your first time with electronics, you could easily follow this tutorial.
Just buy an Arduino™ Kit, and connect a potentiometer like in this tutorial. Note that you do not need to program your Arduino™, just build this simple circuit.

1 / Connect your Electronic Device

To connect an electronic device to Millumin, open the device manager (CMD+K) and go to "Electronic". Then, click on the "+" button to create the adequate device :

We support the following devices :
  • Arduino™ Uno
  • Arduino™ Mega ADK
  • Arduino™ Mega 1280
  • Arduino™ Mega 2560
  • Teensy 3.2

Once you have created the correct electronic device, select the USB serial :

Then your electronic device will be connected to Millumin automaticaly. If the device is already well programmed, it is ready to use as an interaction or as a data-track in Millumin. Take a look at the LED on the right. If your device is correctly connected, it should be green. The same occurs for "active" checkbox that should be checked.

2 / Auto-program your Electronic Device

Millumin offers an interface to program your electronic device with ease.
Select your device in the electronic device panel, and click on the "Auto-program" button :

Then click on the "+" button to create the pins you need to use (you can create up to 63 ones) :

The "Key" is the name of the pin you want to configure. It matches what is written on the electronic card. "Type" is the type of interaction the pin has to handle :
  • IN : sensor (such as infrared sensor or potentiometer)
  • PULLUP : sensor that needs a pull-up resistor (typical use for a push-button)
  • OUT : to send a value to your pin (to switch on a LED for example)
  • SERVO : for a servo-motor
  • OFF : no behaviour (please note that all pin are off by default)

Once you finished the pin configuration, click the "Upload" button. Millumin will automatically program your electronic device :

When running the upload for the first time, Millumin will need to install some dependencies. To do so, it will ask you for administration privileges.
Note that you need to have at least Python 2.7.10 installed on your Mac. If not, Millumin will ask you to download the last version of Python 2 here .
Once the process is over, your electronic device is ready to work with Millumin.

3 / Debug your Electronic Device

To test it, look at the signal column. Input pins display a LED : if green, the pin is working correctly, if red it isn't.

Output pins, like OUT or SERVO, have a "test" button that send data to the pin. If you have connected a LED, it will turn it on then turn off. For a servo-motor, it will make it turn.

You could also open the monitor to display all values coming from and to the electronic device.
Go to the menu bar, click on "Window" then select "Monitor".

4 / Manually Program your Electronic Device

If you want to manually program your device, we invite you to explore our developer-kit .
Please use those libraries for better work between your device and Millumin.
We encourage you to use the PlatformIO IDE to program your electronic device.

Look at those sample codes to understand how to program your device with the MilluminStream library.
For a better understanding of the library, read : MilluminStream.h

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